
Navigating the healthcare system can be challenging.

Families are often unaware of all the resources available or how to access them.  Our Healthcare Guidance Program is designed help our clients navigate the system and take advantage of all the available support and resources.

How do I find the best care?

Which financial resources can I access?

Which social groups and day programs are available in my community?

What legal concerns do I now need to consider?

Often when a family member transitions to home care a new set of questions and concerns arise that families need to address.

Carius understands that families need help navigating all of these new challenges and we will support you along the way. Our Healthcare Guidance program includes an extensive guide of resources including medical, daily activity, social, well-being and financial that families can access. After getting to know you and your family better, we will provide you with a customized transition guide of all the next steps you and your family need to consider. We will be available to answer any questions and help you through the process. Furthermore, based on your needs, our program can assist you with any coordination you require, whether it’s booking a day program, liaising with your healthcare team or supporting you on your visits to appointments.

Our healthcare guidance program is ongoing and we will support your family member over the course of their life to address any changes. We will schedule regular check-ins to identify any modifications in care needs and provide any resources required at later stages of life.

We understand the impact this change will have on family members is quite significant. Our program also provides support and recommendations for family members on how to best manage their overall well-being and make the process less overwhelming and more manageable.

Reach out to us to learn more

We’re open 24 hours a day, 365 days year.