Why Carius

We have built a team of caregivers that are compassionate, empathetic and professional.They are a group of highly skilled and professionally trained caregivers dedicated to delivering exceptional personal and social care. By being trustworthy, reliable and consistent, our team has forged meaningful, long-term relationships with our clients and their families.

We deliver social care on every visit. Maintaining emotional and mental well-being during the care process is very important and leads to better overall health outcomes for older adults. Carius will not only provide a reliable, consistent and trustworthy service that puts an emphasis on high quality physical care, we also deliver social care in every visit ensuring the mental health and engagement of our client is a priority.

Making the decision to ensure your family member can continue to live independently at home, comes with many new considerations and challenges. Whether it’s medical, financial, legal or simply activities of daily life, we will help guide you by identifying the support you will need, which resources are available and how to access them. Although the immediate need is care for the older adult, we understand the family also requires support during this difficult time. Carius has emotional support resources available to help families maintain their well-being.